关于「 deplan」的内容列表

Payment Solution DePlan Launches DePlan 2.0 on Solana, Supporting Pay After Use

On September 21st, the pay-as-you-go solution DePlan announced the launch of DePlan 2.0 on Solana at the Solana Breakpoint conference. Users can tokenize all the products they have subscribed to Solana within a month through the "Pay with DePlan later" function, pay a comprehensive bill at the end of the month, and the funds will be automatically distributed among the products used by the user through smart contracts.

2024-09-21 17:57:45
支付解决方案 DePlan 在 Solana 上推出 DePlan 2.0,支持先用后付

9月21日消息,即用即付解决方案 DePlan 在 Solana Breakpoint 大会上宣布在 Solana 上推出 DePlan 2.0,用户可通过“稍后使用 DePlan 付款”功能将其一个月内在 Solana 订阅的所有产品标记化,在月底支付一份综合账单,资金会通过智能合约在用户使用的产品之间自动分配。

2024-09-21 17:57:45